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  Tax Advisory

"Low taxation rate and encouragement of business operation" is a policy persistently followed by the Hong Kong Government. Among the many advantages that Hong Kong has with respect to taxation is that Hong Kong provides enterprises with the most satisfactory business environment to help investors expand their businesses. As a Hong Kong-based professional consulting company, we are experienced in taxation, accounting, corporate management services, risk management and other areas; it can meet various demands from enterprises and effectively deal with anxiousness and problems arisen from investors and enable them to realize their visions with respect to industry.


Main Taxations levied by "Inland Revenue Ordinance"
Profit Tax Salaries Tax
Property Tax Hong Kong Customs Duty


Our Service Includes:

  • Tax advisory
  • Preparation and filing of tax returns
  • Tax burdens appraisal
  • Tax exemption
  • Tax controversy services
  • Declaration of salaries tax
  • Declaration of extension and tax objection


Taxation Overview in Hong Kong

  1. Persons, corporations, partnerships, trustees carrying on any trade or business in Hong Kong are required to pay tax on profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong. All business operators are required to file a Profits Tax Return with the Inland Revenue Department every year.

  2. Corporate Profits Tax rate is 16.5% in average, which could be varied every year and is subject to the announcement of Hong Kong Yearly Budget.

  3. Personal Tax is also among the lowest in the world at around 15% in recent assessment years. Furthermore, there are no hidden 'extras' on the tax system.

  4. Only income and profits derived directly from Hong Kong are subject to tax.

  5. There is no tax on capital gains, dividends or interest.

  6. The tax system provides generous capital allowance and depreciation regulations.

  7. Hong Kong has no Sales Tax or Value Added Tax.

Further information on Taxation, please contact Ms. Lam + (852) 3743 0448